Texas poker | Holdem

Card game

Texas poker, sometimes called simply Holdem, is the most popular type of poker today, a game with two pocket and five community cards used by all players when making combinations.

Texas Hold’em

Most professionals are generalists. They are great at several types of poker or at least understand the rules, but every player, whether he is an amateur or an avid poker player, always has his favorite discipline. Beginners are advised to get acquainted with the game with its most popular variety – Texas Hold’em.

History of Texas Hold’em

It is believed that Texas Hold’em originated in the middle of the 20th century in the state of Texas in the USA. However, at that time it was just called Hold’em, and the prefix Texas was given after well-known players from that state brought the game to Las Vegas in 1967, where it quickly began to gain popularity. The game was brought to Las Vegas by such famous players in Texas as Doyle Brunson, Amarillo Slim and Crandell Addington. Addington said he first saw hold’em played in the late ’60s. Texas Hold’em was brought to Europe somewhat later by Liam Flood and Terry Rogers. For several years the game could only be played in a single casino in Vegas – Golden Nugget Casino.

However, there is an alternative version of the history of this type of poker. Some experts believe it predates the game as being played by Caribbean pirates and sailors and has been undeservedly forgotten, surviving only in Texas as a house and tavern entertainment. Texas players brought it back to its former popularity and poker has earned the state’s name forever.

The rules of the game

The rules of Hold’em are probably the simplest. The basic rules are as follows:

  1. The two players to the left of the dealer’s button place the mandatory bets – the small and big blinds. The button moves one position clockwise after each hand, so that all participants are on equal terms.
  2. The dealer deals two closed cards to each participant.
  3. The first round of trading begins. The contestant just behind the big blind position opens it. He has three options how to act: to quit (pass), to call, to raise (raises).
  4. When this happens, the dealer opens three common cards (the flop). A new round of dealing begins. But now it’s up to the player in the small blind position or the first active player to his left.
  5. When the bets are called, the dealer opens the fourth common – the turn. The rules are the same as on the flop.
  6. When the bets are tied again, the dealer deals the final common – the river. The players again trade according to the rules of the previous street.
  7. If more than one person remains in the fight for the pot after the betting round on the river, they show their cards by comparing hand strengths.
  8. The deck consists of 52 cards.

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