How to prepare for the game: Tip #1

Be honest about your condition and don’t focus on results.

How to prepare for the game

Be honest about your condition and don’t focus on results.

Let’s be honest: many poker players aren’t honest with themselves before they play. Some of them like to put themselves in the worst possible conditions before the game, not realizing how much your actions before the session can affect your success in the short and long term.

Above all, be truthful about your condition and avoid focusing too much on results. Players often recall instances where they won after engaging in excessive behavior, such as a wild night out or not getting enough rest, which leads them to believe that their preparation does not affect the game. They may even begin to think of themselves as special, thinking that they can maintain the same level of concentration despite being tired, eating heavily, or being under any influence.

However, it is important to understand that most players tend to underestimate their abilities when introspecting. Regardless, if you happen to be the exception, then optimizing your chances of success should include getting a good night’s sleep.

It’s also helpful to objectively evaluate your overall performance. Although you can think of examples of successful outcomes, do not allow yourself to be guided solely by one successful outcome. Instead, take a moment to remember all the times you started a session in a less-than-ideal state, which ultimately resulted in quick and unsatisfactory performance. By doing this, you will realize the importance of giving yourself the best chance to minimize mistakes and improve your overall gaming experience.

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